[EXHIBITION] Faces of Pharos

Faces of PharosDear colleagues, associates and friends of the Stari Grad Museum,

we are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Faces of Pharos on Friday, 9 September 2016 at 20.30h in the Stari Grad Museum.

From the introduction to the exhibition catalogue (dr.sc. Sara Popović):

(…) The archaeological site around the church of St John – Remete vrt (Remete garden) in Stari Grad has been for a number of years excavated by the Conservation Department in Split. After a five-year break, in 2008 the site came under the management of the newly established Stari Grad Museum. Excavations, aimed at the interpretation and the presentation of the site, began the following year. Carrying out excavations on this complex and previously almost entirely excavated site, was very ungratifying. It’s not only about trying to understand torn pages of certain periods but also about reconstructing the whole plot of the book of which only the last chapter has been preserved. In the beginning, nothing was clear and there was no room for error. We needed 8 campaigns throughout 5 years to reconstruct the story. From high heat to flooded trenches in winter, fine work of cleaning skeletons to the rough one of transferring huge stone blocks, from washing and analysing tons of small pottery fragments to million points recorded with total station, with lots of laughter, and sometimes nervousness, yet it was always a job well done. This is a story of success.(…)

The exhibition is being held as part of the central celebration of 2400 years since the foundation of Stari Grad and will run until the end of October.

We look forward to your visit!